Hi, I'm Oscar.

Here are my projects:

Heroes vs Villains
Interactive Dashboard

Tools Used: D3.js, R

This dashboard invites the user to explore traits of Marvel and DC comic book characters. Areas that can be explored are eye color, hair color, gender, race, alignment, and publisher.

Deployed Website

Github Repo

Good vs Evil: Monsters of D&D
Tableau Dashboard

Tools Used: Tableau

This dashboard explores the stats of monsters from the popular table-top roleplaying game, Dungeons and Dragons. I compare the stats of "Good" monsters and "Evil" monsters.

The Dashboard

Analyzing Relationships
Machine Learning

Tools Used: Jupyter Notebook, Python, D3.js

This project involves exploring a dataset on romantic relationships with machine learning and sharing the insights with interactive visualizations. (This was the capstone project for my M.S. program.)

Deployed Website

Github Repo

NBA Player Stats
Interactive Dashboard

Tools Used: D3.js, Python, R

This series of three interactive visualizations allows the audience to explore NBA stats by selecting specific players, teams, and areas of comparison.

Deployed Website

Github Repo

Pokemon Classification & Regression
Machine Learning

Tools Used: Python, Jupyter Notebooks

I analyzed models for classifying Dragon-type Pokémon and compared regression models for predicting HP stat. I also used some unsupervised methods with PCA dimensionality reduction.

Presentation Video

Github Repo

Zillow's Austin House Prices
Tableau Dashboard

Tools Used: Tableau, Python

This dashboard explores how different structures of a house may affect the price. Users can also examine how prices vary across ZIP codes in Austin, Texas.

The Dashboard

Texas House Price Prediction
Machine Learning

Tools Used: Python, Jupyter Notebooks

I conducted regression to predict housing prices in Austin, Texas.

Github Repo

Presentation Video

Top 1000 Reddit WritingPrompts
NLP and Visualization

Tools Used: Python, R, D3.js

I scraped the top 1000 writing prompts from Reddit to conduct text analysis and explore what topics and sentiments Redditors prefer in their writing prompts. I visualized and explained my analysis with D3.js visualizations on a mobile & desktop responsive website.

Website with Visualizations

Github Repo: D3.js Code

Github Repo: Scraping & NLP

My Resume
